Monday, May 2, 2011

Cover Comparison

Here's the original CD cover I decided to work with:

And this is my redesign:

I decided to include pictures of the band members. There use to be a fourth so I decided to remover her and put the band's name in her place. That way she's gone and the cover is more informative.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CD case so far

This is what I currently have:
But I may switch to this one because I hate it so much:

I'm going to continue to work with the first one for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tea Box Sketch

A sketch I got carried away with...

Tea Box redesign

This is the tea box that I decided to redesign. Found it in my house forgotten by whoever bought it. I think I could make it look better.

Monday, March 7, 2011

T-Shirt Design #2

This was a second designed that I came up with for project 2. Same ideas from the first one. Image of the the main guy from the band. Filters applied in photoshop. Unlike with the first design I didn't not crop the man out. It was in such a low resolution that I didn't think it would look right if I cropped it from the original. So I just worked with the original image because it and enough negative space to work with. Like the first I put boxed text of lyrics from one of his songs. I also included the bands name. I used helvetica again but I plan on changing that. Perhaps even un-boxing the band name and changing it to white so that it's legible from the black background and is separated from the lyrics.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Random video game related find

So on one of the gaming blogs that I frequent I found these designes for posters that are being given out at this years Game Developers Conference (GDS for short). They show objectes from various video games and put them on a timeline.

T-Shirt Design: Band Shirt for LCD Soundsystem

This is one of my T-Shirt Designes. I decided to use a picture of James Murphy (The man behind LCD Soundsystem). I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut him out of a different image. Then I applied a film grain filter to give it a look similar to what Art Chantry does to his poster. And in his style I added words that are spread out. I chose white text with black background. But unlike Art Chantry I chose the Helvetica typeface. I also included the bands name without the bands name to separate it from the rest of the text.

Monday, February 28, 2011

T-Shirt Design Subject: Band - LCD Soundsystem

I decided to go with a band shirt for my design. I thought it would be a fun idea to go with. I wear band shirts but I've never actually designed one. I decided to do one for one of my favorite bands LCD Soundsystem. They've been on my mind a lot cause they're going to be playing their last show soon.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Art Chantry

I have chosen Art Chantry as my influence for Project 2. I just like his style. It's very random which is something I like in design.